LNER apologize

That really wouldn’t work on Virgin.

“ really shouldn’t be using language like that “

Er like ladies , gentlemen boys and girls ?

Unbelievable really, I read the article in full and was trying to find something that wasn’t there.

I wonder what the outcry would’ve been had they added, ‘and whoever you think you are’, to the end of it.

It's not really all that hard to imagine how much of an absolute bell end someone who classes themselves as non-binary are.
I'm gender fluid and offended by your lack of compassion :D
some people need to get annoyed... some people stuggle to give a shit... i know which i am... #meh
I'm neither of those...hang on, have I just invented a grouping I could milk for sympathy?
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When someones mild annoyance rides rough shot over common sense, we need to care.

ps. I always speak for myself, I think that's blindingly obvious.
Can you imagine the amount of sexism faced in this country to people of all genders. Now and again a story like this appears which is probably one case of sexism out of millions. Barely anyone feels the need to mention it. Thinking about it I find people overreacting to such a minor story just as pathetic as the behaviour of the person moaning about it.
Tidied for you.

Another example of keeping the minority happy at the expense of the majority.
They’re more than likely doing it to highlight how ridiculous some of their complaints they get in are. It’s at nobodies expense either.
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Yet organisations are pandering to that one person, and the general public are expected to do the same. They should just hoy the complaint in the fuckin' bin.
Who’s it hurting to say sorry though. LNER here are win win. Everyone other than this person sympathise how stupid some of their complaints are.
Yet organisations are pandering to that one person, and the general public are expected to do the same. They should just hoy the complaint in the fuckin' bin.
And bray the daft arse who whinged .:neutral:
Tidied for you.

Another example of keeping the minority happy at the expense of the majority.
Wait 'till there's a huge ticket price increase to add more pictures to the netty doors . Man, woman, man with a dress on, woman with a beard etc., etc.. Then we'll all care . Just tel him, she, it to f*** off .
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Who’s it hurting to say sorry though. LNER here are win win. Everyone other than this person sympathise how stupid some of their complaints are.
Apologise if they want, but to actively change parlance just cos someone got their knickers (if they wear them) in a twist? Give ower. It's ridiculous.

This whole "LISTEN TO ME COS I'M ON TWITTER" culture is absurd. The only voice these nitwits used to have was when Anne Robinson would read out the most ludicrous complaints once every Thursday when Points of View aired, and neebody was taking it seriously.
How can you even drag up the energy to get annoyed about something as minor as this. Truly a wonder.
Must identify as something with twice the energy.
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Which toilet do they use? As they neither identify as a male or a female, will they need a Theys? When did this all come about? I don't see any complaints about toilets being labelled 'ladies' and 'gents'
My other half has to deal with this at school and I can't get my head around it...
