Kids Catapulting Animals

Unfortunately it is a likely stepping stone
It’s widely regarded as a stepping stone for people that go on to commit more serious crimes but that isn’t actually common at all. The vast majority of children that have killed an animal do not go on to be abusive to humans. Can certainly be a warning sign though and I’d be deeply concerned if my son did something like that despite having grown up with my dad going shooting for rabbits.( always eaten!)
There’s a bigger correlation for intentional killing/torture of pets being a stepping stone but that’s incredibly rare.

Kids have always had catties and airguns, all my mates had them growing up in the 1970's and we took rabbits and pheasants home to eat, I don't believe that kid killed the roe deer with that cattie though, unless it was a million to one fluke shot.
Same here, we also had regular access to shotguns as teenagers. My mates brother in law was ex forces and quite an array of weapons that we used to shoot. He also had permission to shoot on local farmland so we regularly had rabbit, pheasant etc. that we'd shot. Growing up we had rabbit pie every week that one of my grandma's neighbours had shot.

We also went sea fishing as we didn't live far from the coast. I think people were generally more used to killing and eating animals then, we've all become a bit too far removed from the reality of where meat comes from and just see it as something that is sold at tesco.

I was at our local farm shop on Monday and the farmer came into the shop with a rifle with a silencer on and then wandered over to one of the barns, looks like he was getting the next lot of beef ready. They butcher their own stock on site,perhaps they slaughter it themselves too.
In Star Wars, Luke admits to deliberately killing wild animals around Tatooine just for fun and target practice. It's kind of glossed over, no-one calls him out for it.
Reported for libel.

Womp Rats were aggressive pests which were known to attack humanoids. They weren't hunted 'just for fun'.
A 70s/early 80s childhood involved quite a lot of cruelty to animals, chopping worms in half, throwing stones at cats, taking birds eggs from nests, catching butterflies, in fact, capturing insects of all kinds - I remember having handfuls of ladybirds in the hot summer of 1976. Pulling the legs off daddy long legs. The idea of inflating frogs with straws made me want to puke, but that was the only reason I didn't try. I didn't have a pellet gun but plenty did who shot birds, rabbits and sometimes people. A lad at school bit the knackers off a rabbit in a lesson. It all went along with picking wild flowers, pulling them apart, and using rose hips to attack friends and make them itchy. I think there is much more general awareness of why all of that is wrong and I shake my head at my younger self. A lot of it we didn't think was wrong, some of it we did but it doesn't mean you continue like that. In general, kids know better these days and this kind of behaviour is much more shocking.
A lad at school bit the knackers off a rabbit in a lesson.
There are far too many squirrels and rats about these days mind. Oh and seagulls.
I think it's important to know where nest comes from. If you csnt understand slaughter then for me you shouldn't be eating meat. Got to respect the animal. Yes it's messy and yes it's not pretty but if you want to eat it then you ought to understand the source.
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@VINCENT VEGA really interested to know if you are a vegetarian? Assume you must be with your either it's OK or it's wrong stance? Which if you eat meat would contradict that of course.

It's not that black and white for me and I suspect the majority of people. Killing wild animals just for fun is never OK. Killing certain wild animals for land/ pest management or to be eaten is Ok. If hunting wild animals for food then that is only OK within the confines of the law i.e. you have the land owners permission and have any relevant licences. It is never OK to kill someone's pet unless it's a danger.

What's your stance or mice or rats in your home? Humane trapping only?
Never had any of those when I was poaching rabbits. We used to get shot at by the farmers more than the rabbits did. Salt pellets f***ing hurt anarl. 🤣🤣🤣
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In Star Wars, Luke admits to deliberately killing wild animals around Tatooine just for fun and target practice. It's kind of glossed over, no-one calls him out for it.
Shouldn't you be at school? Tatooine ffs.

Back in the real world, this is something kids have always done, catapults and gat guns and so on. Where they go from there is onto frenzied wanking when they start noticing girls. Or boys / whatever. Let no one say I'm not 100% inclusive, apart from grown ups who cite Star Wars in their references, obviously.
To the rabbits or the dog aye don't see the difference end of the day they're dead. You can change it to pet rabbit or wild rabbit If you find it easier to get your head around. Either killing something is wrong or it isn't.
I'm a vegan and I think that is a mad take. Shooting and eating stuff is far far better than processing them on an industrialised scale.
Not many people like slugs. I’ve got a pond and chickens so don’t usually have to do much about them in my garden but plenty of gardeners will spend time killing slugs every night through the summer.
Still an essential part of our eco system though I suppose.
Pulling them apart though? Sounds a bit Mag/Saudi
When I was a bairn , a lad I knew used to catch newts in a local pond , then nail em to a tree thru 4 legs. Then throw darts at em !!!! He turned into a nasty drug dealer and met a sudden demise in Germany . Shot when a drug deal went tits up. His younger brother was jailed for life ( M25rapist) and died in prison , not sure if he topped himself.
German descent them lads weren’t they.
German descent them lads weren’t they.
Yes lmate ,father was a one legged Pole, mother was German. The younger one , burgled my mother’s and stole gas meter( in those days it was a slot meter that took cash). My mam , being a nice lady , stood up in court and vouched for him , the father promised to repay the cash ( never did ).
