Hosepipe bans

Would it be wrong for me to put the sprinklers on in my garden, there is no hosepipe ban here in DH6, but I just feel it would be morally wrong for me to be watering my gardens with the possibility of hosepipe bans looming?
I don't have an issue with hosepipe bans. However, it is absolutely crazy that outside jacuzzis/spas are exempt.
Would it be wrong for me to put the sprinklers on in my garden, there is no hosepipe ban here in DH6, but I just feel it would be morally wrong for me to be watering my gardens with the possibility of hosepipe bans looming?
Will feel worse if your dry grass sets on fire.

These water companies that have squandered our cast water supplies should be ashamed.
Why does South East Water have an examption for hot tubs? Other water companies who have implemented a ban have not.

Hosepipe ban includes ‘crazy’ exemption for hot tubs and people watering new lawns

Some predictions?

A director or senior manager has a hot tub.
A politician with a hot tub is in cahoots with them.
A gathering with rich and influencial people is to take place in a hot tub.

It looks like some meat for journalists in the tabloids to investigate.

Some justifications?

The vapour from the hot tub will form a cloud and rain somewhere else.
In Kent, the hot tub will smooth out the 'rough electricity' coming from France.
Immigrants coming across the channel will see bubbles and hear noises; this will make them think that they are coming to a party capital such as Ibiza and they will turn back because it is not compatible with their religion.
Hope it does...but that's next week
I’ve just watered some plants using a 4 pint milk container

Not using milk before anyone starts.

I felt guilty using the hosepipe.

When I looked out the front window there’s my neighbour washing both his cars with a hosepipe. His kid is still there now playing with the hose!
I’ve just watered some plants using a 4 pint milk container

Not using milk before anyone starts.

I felt guilty using the hosepipe.

When I looked out the front window there’s my neighbour washing both his cars with a hosepipe. His kid is still there now playing with the hose!
I've got a water butt for the plants
