Favourite David Bowie Track

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Buchans Boots

Bowie, gone and missed. For many the anthem of their youth. Who knows what people like best from him. The obscure to the famous, his songs touched people. Your Bowie favourite? Too many for me but this one always touches a chord.....


Heroes or

Could be time to reprise @Sneech Friday Top 5
He always said that he wanted to be a superstar. Achieved that in spades. Amazing track. Where you get such lyrics from I'm not sure. Cant remember if it was this 45 but one had John I'm Only Dancing on the B side. Candidate for the best 45 ever released (alongside Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields).
I still don’t know.

I have a huge soft spot for Low as a record but can’t pick out a track
Warzawa was unbelievable. When he appeared at Newcastle City Hall circa 1978/79 it was his first track. Gary Numan subsequently copied it for his first gigs ie the bank of white lights and musical offering/no lyrics.

Brian Eno played a huge part in that album IIRC.

Pure genius --

Fantastic track. That would have been one of my early picks from him. Sublime.
Golden Years.
Everything he did after Scarey Monsters was distinctly ropey. Two or three decent songs per album max. But back in the 70s he was the cats pyjamas.
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