Dogs on Beds

Well with that history, you have a huge amount of experience, with some breeds I know, have owned or bred too.
Which is what makes your statement about snapping etc even more perplexing.
Springers are one of the most placid, intelligent and loving animals you could ever wish to meet. If you have got one of those to the point of snapping marra, you need to look to yourself first. It's certainly not him or her being allowed on the sofa that has created that.
German Shepherds are my first love as a dog, and the first I bred from, following my Fathers example of 40 years. People need to know the breed and where they feel they fit in to your pack. They are different to most breeds in where they see themselves.
Most dogs see adults as alpha male and female, then slot in to the pack with the kids.
GSD's see Alpha male, then them. Above the alpha female and kids. It is the way they are wired up. They are a special breed of dog, and way too clever for most of their owners, but not intrinsically aggressive. They are a sheep dog. Any aggression is not nature, it is nurtured.
Be aware of that, and treat them accordingly, and you are fine.

I have never had a snappy, or nasty dog in my life, so I really don't know what you are doing if that is your experience marra.
Me neither, ALL my dogs never went on furniture, ever. Went upstairs ever. I was always the boss.All the dogs i ever had were NO problem to me or my family . Bared teeth to some people from their dogs was not taken seriously. Even when i was offered other peoples dogs that they no longr had a use for. I always put food in a bowl, went to see what the dog's reaction was going to be. Snarls, bared teeth to me was a no no. With kids around the house, never ever took a chance.I was only giving my opinion of what other problems people had with their dogs on furniture etc.
Me neither, ALL my dogs never went on furniture, ever. Went upstairs ever. I was always the boss.All the dogs i ever had were NO problem to me or my family . Bared teeth to some people from their dogs was not taken seriously. Even when i was offered other peoples dogs that they no longr had a use for. I always put food in a bowl, went to see what the dog's reaction was going to be. Snarls, bared teeth to me was a no no. With kids around the house, never ever took a chance.I was only giving my opinion of what other problems people had with their dogs on furniture etc.
Agree marra.
All my dogs in my adulthood have not been allowed in bedrooms. My GSD when I was a bairn was. He used to sleep on my bed. He just wanted to look after me I think. I was only 6 when I got him. But none since.
They have all been allowed on their blanket on the sofa. Never a problem, as they know that they are only allowed there because we say so. They have to ask to get up, or be told it's ok.
Like you say, they know who is in charge.
Even my daft little Cocker Spaniel now. Well behaved, and very obedient, but mad as a box of frogs bless him, waits on the landing if the bedroom door is left open. He won't come in.
Just good manners really.
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Looking after a friends Cockapoo for a few days (he’s a right nutter) on a night time we let him sleep on the landing but he keeps wanting to be on top of the bed.
We refuse to let him on for hygiene reasons - am I being mean or is it only stinkers who never wash their bedsheets who let their pets do this?
My dog weighs 38 kilos and has never slept on my bed.
He never will.
Yes he is. A neighbour in France has the Healequin version. White undercoat breaks through the top coat! Ends up looking like a cheap kitchen work top. I haven't shared that with her..
The Beauceron is a forerunner of the GSD.
Very similar temprament then?
Love the description of the Healeqin🤣
Not into dressing our lad up but he certainly gets presents at Christmas and on his birthday. It’s nice to be nice, no?

Animals can be treated like animals which is fine (as long as it’s not mistreated), but we choose to treat ours as though he’s integral to the family. Which he is.

Don’t vomit it all over ‘socials’ though. It’s all for us.
We've always had rescue dogs.
3 of the dogs we have at the moment came from 'Many tears' rescue in South Wales.
The 3 of them are all ex breeding dogs (two female and one male), they'd never lived in a house before, had no human interaction and basically had a shit existence.
So, we work hard on them to give them a comfortable 'retirement' where they feel loved and cherished.
We let them all sleep on our bed because as you say, 'It's nice to be nice'
