Christmas compendium ... November 22

Did one in an office I used to work in. I got a set of festive earrings when I haven't got pierced ears and a lady who constantly slagged off people reading books in the staff room was given a copy of Tess of the D'Urbervilles. We swapped gifts but others were unhappy as that wasn't in the spirit of Secret Santa 🤷‍♀️
Not for me like
£10 a present to get something that'll be crap and dont want and have to spend a tenner on someone I dont like
Apparently I'm miserable 🤷

Up to you if you want to be included or not but I think it’s nice to both give and receive a gift. It encourages engagement within the team.
Up to you if you want to be included or not but I think it’s nice to both give and receive a gift. It encourages engagement within the team.
I work with a brilliant group of people so we don’t feel the need to do this to encourage engagement.
Agree it’s nice to give and receive gifts but I’ll continue to concentrate on my family and kids
I work with a brilliant group of people so we don’t feel the need to do this to encourage engagement.
Agree it’s nice to give and receive gifts but I’ll continue to concentrate on my family and kids

That’s fair enough most of my team work remotely and sometimes it’s hard to get people involved/engaged so kinda brings people together.
Not for me like
£10 a present to get something that'll be crap and dont want and have to spend a tenner on someone I dont like
Apparently I'm miserable 🤷
Aye, it's best to tell them to fuck off and that Santy does not exist anyway. Being honest is a far better than selling your soul to total shite like this.
Christmas makes the Chinese nation richer, it takes them one step nearer to world domination, be afraid, be very afraid
Oh, and try to NOT buy anything made in China
It’s for lasses.

Lasses in our street and our lasses work do it but lads will think your looking to bum them if you started that at work.

Having said that the lads always buy me a bottle at Xmas .
It is not for lasses. After reading this thread I’m now aware that it’s blokes who do it not women.
