Changing your bedding..

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How often do you do it.

Just in the process of doing ours while I escape the wife watching shit tv.

Love fresh bedding but I reckon ours is changed once a fortnight at most .. sometimes longer in the winter and more frequentnin the summer
When they snap back on the fold, easier to pole vault out of bed mind with dirty sheets.
Every 2-3 weeks except for summer when most mornings I find a sweat outline of myself in bed, so 2 nights tops in the summer. I am not designed for heat.
Genuinely didn’t think people changed their bedding once a week or less

this has been an eye opening/revolting experience
Try for once a week on a Friday so the lie ins are better.

I live a wild life.

Must be like living in a Bedouin camp in your house with sheets hanging everywhere constantly. Be surprised if it’s more than once every two months here .... no doubt she who must be obeyed would correct me.
fun fact: if you were in bed with niceonemarra and a dog niceonemarra is more likely to piss the bed
Must be like living in a Bedouin camp in your house with sheets hanging everywhere constantly. Be surprised if it’s more than once every two months here .... no doubt she who must be obeyed would correct me.

Just two sets mate, one gets removed and goes straight in the wash and tumble dryer. I can't sleep if the sheets have been on more than 10 days or so.
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