Captain Marvel

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Surprised so many seem to have liked it.
I thought it was poor.
The first 20 mins or so were awful, and for a big budget studio film it never once felt epic, more like a TV movie.
It got better once Samuel L arrived on the scene and the soundtrack was decent, but for the most part is was mediocre at best, and at it's worst, boring, which is unforgiveable in a film such as this.
Easily the weakest Marvel movie for me.
Mate, you’re spot on. One of the worst films I’ve ever seen. Pointless and boring. Also, was it just my cinema or was the film incredibly dark (colour wise)? Especially the first 20 mins or so then the “battle” on the ship at the end. I’ve never seen a film with Brie Larson in before but she is a terrible actress. Very good looking though.

Also aged/deaged CGI just isn’t quite there yet. I found it distracting on SLJ, especially between his forehead which they’d obviously airbrushed and his wig. There was a gap between the CGI and the practical effect of his wig and real skin that was very noticeable.
You mustn't watch many films if this is meant to be taken literally.
I watch quite a few films (mostly 80s, mid to late 90s and early 2000s stuff, cherry pick what I fancy from new releases), and I just found this one so pointless in the marvel universe. It was literally meaningless in that context. Aside from that I just found it really boring. The story was boring, the acting was terrible (Jude Law wasn’t good either, and SLJ -who I like, but not as Nick Fury- has basically been playing the same character since Pulp Fiction). That and the incredibly dark cinematography and distracting CGI put it up there for me.
It reminded me of the first Thor film. Enjoyed it for what it was but no interest in seeing it again, the bairn was annoyed when she realised it wasn’t endgame like :lol:
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