Can High Frequency sounds scare away mice?

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Well I caught 2 of the feckers by electrocuting them, but none lately and heard scurrying last night. Is it possible they have caught on to it? Maybe I should move the location?

I came home with a couple of new contraptions to attack them with today, but quiet as hell today.

is it possible they've all done a runner?
You need to try and find where there getting into the house mate.

I've got one at the minute like. It made an appearance about a month ago so bought some of those high frequency thingies. There wasnt sight nor sound of the little kernt until about a week ago and it's made an appearance again. I went to get a packet of crisps from an unopened bumper bag of about 30 packets, the little git has chewed through the outer bag and made it's way into some of the individual packets :lol: Cheese and Onion/Roast Chicken seem to be its favourite. Tried mousetraps too but think I went a bit too heavy on the peanut butter and it just golloped the lot. Think I need to lower the portion size.

I caught a glimpse of it, it's just a canny little thing really but I'll take great delight when I see it dead.
Caught a mouse last night,theres 4-6 inches of snow outside so the cold is driving them in,he couldn’t resist a smear of peanut butter on the bait-plate of a bog standard mouse trap,deader than dead.
No sign of any buggers today either and was quiet as could be last night.

I cant believe I have defeated them this easy, was thinking the battle was only getting started but they must have sensed my determination and did a runner.
I know, even smaller probably.
Don’t suppose there’s a lot you can do about them in cavities, with air bricks etc.
If you find where there getting inside though you need to block it up.

Air bricks is a good one like..the house I’m in now..when I was doing the floors I noticed the air bricks had no mesh on the back of them..a mouse could have easily crawled fine mesh covers on them all now.
I rolled up fine mesh into half cigarette sized rolls and shoved them into each individual air brick hole around the entire house. It still allows the air brick to do its job but nothing's getting in that way.

I've also made quite a few little signs about 2 inches square, attached to lolly sticks and stuck them all around the sides of the house saying all rodents will be prosecuted.

I also caught a rat and mouse and dipped both of their heads in dark blue paint, then let them both go out the back.
It seems to have worked because all the other mice and rats stay away. They think they're both bobbies. :D

Been silent last few days also, not a peep, but last night I did hear some scratching.

Going to have to drag out all the heavy weaponry again and see whats going on.
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