Bobby Gurney mural campaign

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A bit of a surge on ticket sales yesterday. I've added the additional ones to the website this morning so we have now sold 169 tickets. This doesn't include any that may have been sold in the pub yesterday (awaiting news on this). Massive thanks to everyone on here who has shared news about the project, contributed or bought tickets. I really appreciate it.
Thanks for the tickets mate, I just donated as its a worthy cause, don;t know what the artwork prize is?

Applied for a ticket... how long till you hear back on how to pay?
Apologies for any delay in responding. It's not an automated system (I'm replying to all ticket requests manually myself) so sometimes you get an instant reply and sometimes it takes a while longer. I work full-time in addition to doing this project so I'm not always sat in front of my computer. However, I have replied to all requests since I got in from work so you should have had a response now mate. Thank you
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