Best time to hand in your resignation

4pm on a Friday.
Judge the initial reaction. Weekend allows you to dwell on what you’ve done and allows the Company / manager time to decide if he wants to persuade you to change your mind.
I've always done it early morning. Though that has been me telling the gaffer I'm leaving. Then I would be following it up with the formal notification later by the end of the day.
Handed my notice seven weeks into a new job once. Told me that notice wasn't required as I was still on probation and had me clear my locker, had PAC taken off me and escorted out the door in under 5 minutes.

Unexpectedly left me with a a couple of weeks to kill before my new job so booked a flight to Sweden and spent a long weekend getting pissed in a fellow SMBer's newly opened bar.
I’d just do it and get it done

I’m leaning towards this.

Last time I waited until last thing and the day was horrible, knowing I was handing it in but having to pretend everything was normal.

If I were to do it again I think I’d go for first thing in the morning, preferably before starting for the day.
Handed my notice seven weeks into a new job once. Told me that notice wasn't required as I was still on probation and had me clear my locker, had PAC taken off me and escorted out the door in under 5 minutes.

Unexpectedly left me with a a couple of weeks to kill before my new job so booked a flight to Sweden and spent a long weekend getting pissed in a fellow SMBer's newly opened bar.

Brutal that mind
