Advice needed please !

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Lots of fibre. Base your diet on salad (one plate every day), steamed veggies and stir fries. With some protein eg chicken, fish, eggs, cheese.

Have a couple of fruits between meals a day, and nibble on nuts you like.

Salads can seem boring but they're not if you use nice (but still healthy) dressing. I love olive oil with added chilli. We make a big plastic box of salad every 4 days or so, and just dip into it as needed. Makes meal prep a breeze. Make it with as many colours as you can. We use whatever we feel like out of kale, spinach, lettuce, snow peas, red pepper, green pepper, purple cabbage, carrot, grape tomato, mung beans, onion, garden peas and corn. Takes about an hour to prepare the 4 day box.

Make sure you eat some fat with your salad/veggies, eg. olive oil based dressing, cheese, avocado, nuts. Your body needs it to properly absorb nutrients from the plant stuff. And fat isn't bad generally as long as it's the good types (Google 'healthy fats'). Do NOT make the common mistake of trying to eliminate fat. It doesn't make you fat, and your body needs it.

Try and not eat anything that came in a box or can. Too much crap in it. At your weight and age you need to be worried about your salt intake. This will help.

Lots of water during the day. Get a sipping bottle. Absolutely no soft drinks or fruit juices. Tea and coffee fine, but not too much and not the meal times.

Ignore any advice to over emphasise one food group (eg proteins) or use juicers. A good mix is important. You evolved for that.

You probably think you know why the high fibre content is important - bowel function and satiation (not feeling hungry). But there's much more to it than that.. It's important for getting the right blend of 'good' microbes in your gut, which do all sorts of important things for you - aiding digestion, producing some nutrients, modulating your immune system (so you don't develop autoimmune problems like rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, lupus, etc - which women tend to be more predisposed to), protecting your gut health, protecting you from diabetes and, amazingly, obesity. Modern science is only just becoming aware of how critical this is, and how many health problems (including obesity) can be caused by the damage done to intestinal flora by a typically shit western diet/lifestyle, that starts on the day you're born. From what you've said about yourself, you probably have problems there. A high fibre diet will help you fix it.

Don't be tempted to overdo exercise, especially at your current weight (your joints won't like it). I've found dog walking to be a great way of getting enough exercise and it's great for relaxing. I play football with him. Knackers us both out. Do something low impact once or twice a week, eg. swimming or cycling. Make it fun.

Follow this as your baseline and you will never be hungry or healthier, and you'll really enjoy your food.

Never think of this as a 'diet'. It isn't. It's a lifestyle and it's amazing how easy it is to adapt to it and forget there was ever anything else. You'll get used to eating what you want, without having to measure or restrict anything.

Hope that helps.
Girls wear dresses and trousers - I'm assuming you just wear trousers and possibly shorts (though it wouldn't totally surprise me if you said you wore a pretty frock on occasion). So us girls need high and low heels in a variety of colours for our skirts and dresses, then we need shoes that suit trousers. There is smart and there is casual, there is summer and winter. Put these combinations together and it soon comes to quite a lot.

Then there are boots.

But thirty+ pairs ? What is wrong with just wearing sensible footwear regardless of whether or not it is in fashion or the right colour ? Is it not just about vanity more than anything ? Not having a pop at Barbs, she is probably not alone in having loads and loads of shoes, but seriously if a man had that many pairs of footwear he would be a freak. Freak of fashion perhaps but still a freak. And where do you put them all ? No wonder there isn't any room for a bicycle. :lol:
:lol: So what is "healthy today"
Fat. Saturated fat. In its pure form it's the most giving of all the nutrients that the body needs. Your body will die without it much more than anything else apart from water.
You need it more than protein! and carbs are a waste of energy.
Man woman man. Don't be afraid to eat fruit. Fuck the sugar, it's not refined.

Show me a person who got far eating fruit?

eat more fruit and less cheese patties :)
Actually it doesn't matter if the sugar is refined or 'natural' - too much is bad for you, and can certainly make you overweight. Fruit juice is pure evil as far as I'm concerned. You simply didn't evolve to regularly take that sort of sugar hit in one go, without even any fibre to moderate the insulin response. It should be banned.

But there are also nutters who espouse cutting out or severely restricting fruit. Very bad move. I agree with you there.

I couldn't live without my berries. The most nutrient dense food on the planet and no pancreas bashing. Even the bint in law eats them and she's diabetic. We buy 'em snap frozen for better nutrient preservation.

We even feed a few frozen blueberries to the dog every day, he loves them.
Actually it doesn't matter if the sugar is refined or 'natural' - too much is bad for you, and can certainly make you overweight. Fruit juice is pure evil as far as I'm concerned. You simply didn't evolve to regularly take that sort of sugar hit in one go, without even any fibre to moderate the insulin response. It should be banned.

But there are also nutters who espouse cutting out or severely restricting fruit. Very bad move. I agree with you there.

I couldn't live without my berries. The most nutrient dense food on the planet and no pancreas bashing. Even the bint in law eats them and she's diabetic. We buy 'em snap frozen for better nutrient preservation.

We even feed a few frozen blueberries to the dog every day, he loves them.
@Ready salted falls into this demographic imo
Man woman man. Don't be afraid to eat fruit. Fuck the sugar, it's not refined.

Show me a person who got far eating fruit?

eat more fruit and less cheese patties :)
Exactly. diet myths to keep the pennys pouring in to those that write them.

FruitFruit contains many benefits compared to refined sugar. Besides being rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, fruit is an excellent source of fiber. The presence of fiber in fruit determines what happens to fruit sugars in your body and how quickly they are broken down in your gastrointestinal tract. Unlike refined sugar, fiber in fruit expands in your gut, making you feel full. Fiber is the biggest secret as to why fruit sugars are not as dangerous as refined sugar, preventing the sugars from being rapidly broken down and stored.

Keep the FiberAlthough fruit is extremely beneficial to your health, it is even more so when all of its constituents are still present. Once fruit has been stewed, cooked or juiced, the benefits decline, as the cell wall has been destroyed and the fiber of the fruit is less constructed. Thus, drinking a glass of orange juice, although still rich in nutrients, is much more concentrated in sugar and is not going to give you the fiber benefits of an orange. The same is true when you cook or stew apples for applesauce and raspberries for jam. Keep the fruit fiber, and your body will thank you.
Fat. Saturated fat. In its pure form it's the most giving of all the nutrients that the body needs. Your body will die without it much more than anything else apart from water.
You need it more than protein! and carbs are a waste of energy.
Are you a feckin Eskimo or summat? Your whole body is made of proteins, synthesised from amino acids that you got through eating other protein. How can that be needed less than anything?
Are you a feckin Eskimo or summat? Your whole body is made of proteins, synthesised from amino acids that you got through eating other protein. How can that be needed less than anything?
You eat nothing but protein and see what happens to your body.
You will look like a matchstick man with big head and bony body.
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