700 calorie diet

walk walk walk walk

I eat fruit for breakfast, oranges mainly

Banana for lunch

and just something not too carb heavy for dinner, although I still have pasta etc

lost 3 stone this year, and I havent really been looking to lose weight, its just consequence of better decisions

I dont think that sounds healthy to me the shakes
I’ve ‘accidentally’ consumed a total of about 1000 calories on a couple of days last week, but still felt quite satiated and never hungry. I jotted down what I ate and I was hitting about 100g of protein for 65 kg body weight. I have been doing intermittent fasting for a few years.

1st meal at 11ish, last at 7pm ish.

11:00. 0% fat yoghurt with blueberries
12:00. Smoked mackerel, scrambled egg, salad (spinach, rocket lettuce).
14:00. Protein shake with water.
16:00. Cannot find my list but I think that I had a dollop of peanut butter.
18:00. Veg (broccoli, cucumber), 1.5 lean beef burger without bread.

I have found that I eat a lot of bread normally so I’m reducing it but not totally avoiding it.
1) I reckon it would be virtually impossible to do over a week.

You’ll burn off more than 700 cals if you’re walking for 2 hours so you’ll end up in a ~2,500 calorie deficit each day for 7 days.

You’d keel over.

2) even if you could do it, it’s not a long term option. I assume you’re doing this to lose weight and not as a way to test how mental your body is - the quicker you lose weight, the quicker it goes back on. You’ll have to stop the 700 cal diet at some point and as soon as you do you’ll be back to square one.

3) if you’re doing it as a form of fasting, just look at intermittent fasting and do it properly. IIRC @Harry Angstrom does this - maybe he could give you advice
I intermittent fast. 16/8. Eat at 1pm. Then after 8pm. Only water outside those times. I eat my macros in the 8 hour window.
I've had steady weight loss throughout. Feel energised and walk 3.6 miles every other day. 9k plus steps. Plenty hills/stairs throughout.
Been doing this since Sunday, hammering the water and strangely don’t feel hungry

Had a ham sandwich and a satsuma today

Even if I ease off next week, as long as
I’m still in a calorie deficit, the weight
won’t come back on iirc
How do you restrict your window to 8 hours if you’re up for 18-19 hours?
It’s not easy to start with as it’s breaking old habits but if you can eat something heavy in protein later on (around 7.30pm if you’re doing 12-8pm as an eating window) that should keep you fuller for longer.
I realized that diets with a small amount of calories and with heavy physical exertion only worsen health. Better to stick to a 16/8 diet.
I tried that James Duncan diet years ago. Lose a stone in a week basically. Before I knew owt. By the Thursday I’d lost half a stone. But felt awful, was kind of dangerous actually. Couldn’t put a foot in front of me when walking. No energy at all.
Listen to the advice on this thread.

I used to go 3-4 weeks eating only 1200 calories per day, whilst losing around 700 of that from exercise meaning my net calories were 500. Add to that my BMR is 3500 calories then I was on 500 calories per day, ended up losing near enough 1lb per day but after a few weeks it got to the point where I'd nearly pass out anytime I stood up or went for a walk.

Plus, inevitablely, you pile it back on through binging, as I did.

Slow and steady wins the race, eat what foods you like but in moderation whilst combining this with steady exercise. Maintain around 1000-1500 calorie deficit most days of the week and try to stay off the pop / takeaways. Have one day (probably weekend) where you eat a canny bit and enjoy it.
Listen to the advice on this thread.

I used to go 3-4 weeks eating only 1200 calories per day, whilst losing around 700 of that from exercise meaning my net calories were 500. Add to that my BMR is 3500 calories then I was on 500 calories per day, ended up losing near enough 1lb per day but after a few weeks it got to the point where I'd nearly pass out anytime I stood up or went for a walk.

Plus, inevitablely, you pile it back on through binging, as I did.

Slow and steady wins the race, eat what foods you like but in moderation whilst combining this with steady exercise. Maintain around 1000-1500 calorie deficit most days of the week and try to stay off the pop / takeaways. Have one day (probably weekend) where you eat a canny bit and enjoy it.
A 1,500 calorie deficit when an average man should only be consuming 2,000 calories a day? Fantastic way to make you hate your life.

Don’t listen to this shit.

Eat around 500 calories a day less than your BMR and walk a bit more. You’ll lose around 1 lb a week and you won’t even feel like you’re restricting yourself.
Food isn’t bad. It isn’t there to ‘get out the way’ and see how full you can be. It also doesn’t matter how many hours you eat over.

Severe restrictions do nothing and are not a sensible way of living.

A member of this very forum runs an exceptionally good company who will do all of this stuff for you.
Personally don't go for those type of heavily calorie restricted diets, but to the opening question as to whether it would be ok to walk for two hours on this calorie intake I'd say yes.
Loads of cyclists ( and not just pro's) go in for fasted rides to burn fat quickly.
Not for me but know of people who do 2-3 hour fasted rides early morning so would have no food for a good 9 hours plus ahead of ride

Wiggins certainly used to do 5-6 hours fasted rides ahead of 2012....the "gear" might have helped mind ;)
