Why do I love the German national anthem so much?

Very stirring!

Composed by Josef Haydn, an Austrian who worked mainly in the court of Count Esterhazy, and the most famous Austrian Baroque composer after Mozart. He knew how to put a good tune together. The Germans just pinched the tune later - it was originally just known as the Austrian Hymn.

Still not a patch on the Marseillaise or Fratelli d'Italia mind.
The decisive contribution of the Red Army on the Eastern front, in terms of putting the Wehrmacht through a meat grinder, with complete disregard for their own losses, and pressing westwards to Berlin, is usually ignored.
The lad said they won the War? I mean, they contributed to defeating Nazi Germany sure.

Unsure if there was a total disregard for their own losses mind, in terms of Stalin and his generals, yes of course, but the soldiers themselves had no choice.
