What ya getting your kids?

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Can’t afford to buy myself any by the time I sort the wife and kids out. Good job Christmas is coming I need some new socks!

I’m still smart as a carrot though got a few new tops put away ready for when I’m allowed out:cool:
Is that why your nickname is Tramp ?
One of my lads at work was telling me about something on Facebook where you put together a present and card for bairns in the local area who havnt got much money etc.

that’s a good idea and I think a few on here should get involved in this.
our lass and the little un have donated to one group from doxy park walled gardens. Kids put down what they really would like for xmas. Just scan the list, pick one and but it directly. I was proud as punch of the bairn, she wanted to buy it herself, a make up set for a young girl. Much better imo than donating cash to some cause.
our lass and the little un have donated to one group from doxy park walled gardens. Kids put down what they really would like for xmas. Just scan the list, pick one and but it directly. I was proud as punch of the bairn, she wanted to buy it herself, a make up set for a young girl. Much better imo than donating cash to some cause.
Brings a tear to my eye when my daughter does stuff like that.
our lass and the little un have donated to one group from doxy park walled gardens. Kids put down what they really would like for xmas. Just scan the list, pick one and but it directly. I was proud as punch of the bairn, she wanted to buy it herself, a make up set for a young girl. Much better imo than donating cash to some cause.
Havnt got Facebook mate but I’ll get one of the bairns to look on for me
Havnt got Facebook mate but I’ll get one of the bairns to look on for me
Either have I mate, I'll ask the Mrs how she stumbled upon it, and get back to you.
Brings a tear to my eye when my daughter does stuff like that.
Bought a tear to my eye anarl mate. Cost me£23 for some morphe eye shadow set of summit. Joking aside, it's a great idea and really hits home with the little one that not every one is in such a position. Hard off to the organisers.
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Wow! Some of the money you lot spend must be getting well over £1000

We give ours a monetary limit and then they make a list. If what they want is above the limit they can have de monies instead. Decided a while back its best for them that they realise they cannot be guaranteed exactly what they want. Will hopefully make the mid and late teens easier when 'wants' have the potential to get really expensive eg cars/holidays. If we can replace this 'want' with 'would like' then life should be easier.

What relation is the 21 month grandson to the 17 month daughter? Im struggling to get me head round it.
Is the 17month old the 21 month olds aunt?
Haha yeah she’s his aunty mate
Isnt it!? People go mental haha. I thought we were bad.. but we generally tend to go more for volume rather than big one off spends.

Haha a daughter younger than a Grandson. Good going that!
Tell me about it ..... but they are lush and will grow up together like brother and sister really
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