Niceonemarra v Titus

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I see, Titus will maul him methinks.
Everybody thinks Titus will win I am happy to lose its the experience that is amazing imagine being in the ring with a trained fighter and fighting them for your life. I am ready for this just need to train for a few weeks I have a training plan.
Why are people giving this clown the time of day?
Attention seeking bullshit
Its entertaining and that is no way to speak about Titus.
For people who don’t know, there is a charity fund raising boxing match hopefully happening.
Niceonemarra 5/4
Titus. 4/5

Is there any others who would like to take part.

This match is still happening but on a smaller scale than first advertised for logistic reasons. Its been downgraded to a sparing match by the logistical look of it due to me not having a fighting licence I do have a licence to fight taekwondo but it expired years ago.
I will call down tomorrow, he might not be up for it incase someone gets hurt like.
If we could get 3 or 4 more bouts craig Kent maybe up for promoting it and adding a few bouts himself.
I'm up for a spar marra the only person getting hurt will be my opponent.
I was looking for a ringman but I now realise that if I am a world champion why would I want someone who isn't a world champion barking orders at me? I don't need no ringside I can do this better without. This will be the fight of my life.
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Can I be announcer? Always fancied myself to do the Michael Buffer bit.
"Lets get ready to rum-bellllllllllllllllllll"
Yes of course you can marra just grab the mic as quickly as possible and you will be in control.
I'm hoping for some flashy ring walks with music mind you. Stars and stripes top hats, the lot.
Like Tyson Fury did when he dressed as |Apollo Creed| from the Rocky films.
Nice one relies on two things

His speed

And the St Johns Ambulance Brigade
Thanks for mentioning this I'd rather just order a taxi for niceonemarra to the nearest hospital than waste tax payers money ordering an ambulance.
Or you could go full Prince Naz and vault the ropes - though I saw that go wrong once. And the culprit then got a proper leathering despite his tasselled shorts. 3rd round stoppage IIRC.
Nice one is a good fighter marra.
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