Things people do that get on your nerves

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People who get receipts out of the cash machine.

People who insist on striking up conversation with cashiers in shops despite the fact there's a queue of people behind them.

Parents who give their babies things to bang loudly and constantly on tables when out to keep them entertained.
Some people need to get receipts from a cash machine and I'm about to do that now :rolleyes:
People getting served at a shop checkout, but still must answer their phone. Fair enough it could be really important but more likely just a routine call from a friend, who they could easily call back in a few minutes.

Parents who ask their young kids what food they'd like in the supermarket, then several minutes later they're still there. "Now you don't really like that do about we have....or maybe...." To this day I honestly cant recall my mam ever asking what food I'd like for tea.

Parents who sit their child inside the supermarket trolley. Saw one in Sainsbury yesterday, cant have been far short of 8 years old
People parking across other peoples drives.
People who get angry rather than admit a fault they have made.
People laughing/cackling loudly in restaurants.
The mobile phone obsession . Boils my piss.

People who 'Diet' and bleat on about it all of the time. Fuck off with all of these diet fads that never work and the dieters remain overweight. The diet industry makes billions selling failure to revolving door fatties. Just fuck off all of this shite, don't think diet, think healthy lifestyle and just exercise more and eat healthy food, sorted!!

People who 'Diet' and bleat on about it all of the time. Fuck off with all of these diet fads that never work and the dieters remain overweight. The diet industry makes billions selling failure to revolving door fatties. Just fuck off all of this shite, don't think diet, think healthy lifestyle and just exercise more and eat healthy food, sorted!!
I wanted to lose some weight before I go away in September, I’ve just cut back on big portions of meals and eating shit all the time and I can tell I’ve lost weight with it. People who use them ‘diet schemes’ just look for an excuse to still eat the same shit they do normally and pretend their losing weight.
The current trend of deliberately hanging back from the car in front so you go through the traffic lights as they turn red, presumably to get some sort of sad little thrill from impeding the driver/s behind you.
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Probably have a point with the bookies although it'll be mainly older fellas who use them and maybe don't have acces to live televised sport or don't have a smartphone to check horse racing results.

Well yeah, but surely you would only have a bet on a horse race if you could watch it?

That’s the point of a bet for me to enhance the enjoyment of watching it, however fair dos everybody different I suppose.

People who 'Diet' and bleat on about it all of the time. Fuck off with all of these diet fads that never work and the dieters remain overweight. The diet industry makes billions selling failure to revolving door fatties. Just fuck off all of this shite, don't think diet, think healthy lifestyle and just exercise more and eat healthy food, sorted!!
You need a shag mate. Get rid of that pent up tension.
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