Sam Smith comes out as non binary

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Stop being a tosser. We're talking real people with real feelings here.
Okay real talk, I'm happy for whoever can help those that society would have bullied into suicide by saying they are not alone. Now can I have a 10 minutes bit of a laugh on a Internet forum? Or should I be me 24/7 serious guy? I can do either
I see there is some way too go to fully accept the LGBTQ+ community?

Until recently I was referring to the community as GIBLETs.

Gay, Intersex, Bi, Lesbian, Everyone else and Trans.

I was very pleased when I got the @alexander seal of approval for it.

Then I realised that "Bi" requires binary genders, which is kind of exclusionary of those in between. I doubt there are many "bi" people that would be against the idea of being with someone non-binary, and so I reckon a P for Pansexual should replace the B.

I therefore hereby announce my intention to refer to the community furthermore as PIGLETs.
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