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Probably an EU biological attack.

Mate. You know they have something planned with all these mock trials going on over the world. Elite are itching to reduce the population to a more manageable level.

Christ don't say that. Folk will jump on it like piranhas.:lol:


Too late.

Good cause for a Hard Border with Scotland.

I hope not mate. I've done a risk assessment of the local areas incase of zombie apocalypse. Scotland especially the highlands score very highly.
This is not good. Until the isolated case is confirmed, I'm staying off red meat and anything involving processed meat. I've seen BSE in action and im not risking it.
Go on then, what is it?

Off memory, the proposal was that Britain had something like over half its population infected and that PIP, due to its then difficult Nature to detect, and then half-understood lifespan, could potentially reappear en masse in humans ten to fifteen years (?) in the future after the animal cull.
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