Does Sunderland have a Heroin problem?

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past 2 years the strength has increased due to over supply. as a rule of thumb, drugs are normally stronger in the big cities, so if someone who is used to shit gets a decent wrap it will smack them over the edge.

that would make sense - something has changed as there seems more zombie folk around - but the hospital today rubber stamped it.
Especially in places like towns with high unemployment leads to a huge swathe of disenfranchised people, who want to escape the drudgery of their miserable day-to-day existence.
one person starts selling pot to make a bit cash, then blow cas bigger profits, then smack because you are guaranteed income.

some people stay well clear, some people draw the line between what they deem to be recreational and a dirty habit, others don't have the will power to draw said line.
I live in a smart West country market town, and even we have heroin addicts, and dealers. Sadly, when you live in a small town it's a much more personal experience. The kids all went to the same schools, and it's sad that there are addicts who I knew as bairns. Some people just lose their way, and once started are unable to stop.
Lambourne in Berkshire is a very wealthy little place in Berkshire which also has the highest ratio of heroin addicts in the UK. Why? Well its the main village in the vale of the white horse where all the horse racing training goes on, and nearly all the jockeys live in Lambourne.
one person starts selling pot to make a bit cash, then blow cas bigger profits, then smack because you are guaranteed income.

some people stay well clear, some people draw the line between what they deem to be recreational and a dirty habit, others don't have the will power to draw said line.
You’ve also got to factor in the willingness of Doctor’s to prescribe opiate painkillers. That’s led to a huge issue in America, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it has an effect over here, but with our nhs we (hopefully) won’t suddenly stop a person’s prescription, which in the US has led to loads of people seeking out smack to take the edge off the withdrawal that occurs. Technically I’m a smack-head through my oxycodone prescription for back pain, which I know I’m addicted to and couldn’t just stop without weening off. It’s a sorry state of affairs, really.
one person starts selling pot to make a bit cash, then blow cas bigger profits, then smack because you are guaranteed income.

some people stay well clear, some people draw the line between what they deem to be recreational and a dirty habit, others don't have the will power to draw said line.

I grew, sold and smoked pot for years, never even came across heroin users, suppliers or demand once.
Between 2014 and 16 Sunderland had a significantly higher rate of deaths through substance misuse than England. That's all drugs, not just heroin.

Estimates of use of opiates and/or crack cocaine had us similar to England and significantly lower than the region in 14/15.

It's an issue, obviously, but it's not going to be the highest priority issue for Sunderland.
That's addiction to anything really, at least for me... people who are addicted to social media will exhibit similar traits to those addicted to drugs.

This. Psychologically addiction doesn't differ between drugs, gambling etc., it's only degrees which differ

Of course, chemically they can be different. From what I gather it f***ing knacks coming off a lot of drugs.
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