Anyone Downloaded Their Facebook Data Yet ?

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I was on Facebook for a short while and had the usual experience of the anti-social, unassuming and self-effacing; I came to the realisation that no fucker was interested in what I was doing and I also didn't give a fuck about what people I hadn't seen for 15 years were doing either. But to delete my account apparently required 3 years of study to obtain an MSc in Facebook Account deletion. So I removed ALL my data (except my name) and unfriended everyone I was connected to. I'm not sure I actually did the last thing coz I can't remember - but my Facebook page was totally blank. I get no messages that I know of (I probably created an Outlook rule to delete them.

Are they still spying on me?
Just requested mine. I'm considering having it all wiped, and having a fresh FB account that I keep limited.
It just looks like everything I've uploaded, typed and clicked on. Which is expected.
4 folders (photos, videos, html, messages) and an index.htm file

Where's the juicy bits?
Just checked mine - tbh, they have very little on me. No person info at all.

A few files that I've sent on messenger, the photos and videos I've shared with people and some bits of chats with people.

Nothing that worries me at all.
About 180 mb unzipped.
Just under 2700 individual files, split across 75 folders.

Nothing in the slightest concerns me.
Everything has been of my own doing, apart from some of the "Ads" (advert) suggestions.

I don't see what the fuss is.
I don't see what the fuss is.
Some people are seeing a full dump of their phone contacts - phone number, email addresses etc.

Which I know they ask for, but most people would say no - but if it gets asked for 10000 times, there's always the chance you miss it just once and whoooooosh, its uploaded and stored forever.
thing is ..... i have a brain and as a result im able to make my own mind up unlike some of you who, frankly, seem to be totally empty vessels waiting to be filled with propaganda - 'downloaded your data files' lol get a grip! snowflakery at its finest

I downloaded mine.

Although I've never given them permission to my contacts, they have a full list of every number on my phone.
Imagine falling out with some company on Facebook and then finding that they know your Doctor, Dentist, Mam/Dad, Bank etc

Plus everything you've liked, followed, unfollowed, blocked etc

Imagine they find out how often you look through the holiday photos of the barmaid down he local ... that ... my ... friend does.

my god you have an active imagination im amazed you ever go out side! :)

what do you think they will do with crap like that? do you think there is someone at facebook going hmmm - he looked at barmaids - make a note of that - likes Daft Punk! tick had pizza last week - hawaiian! check

its nonsense! nonsense!!! laughable stuff
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What I find interesting is how much they know about you even when you haven't even told them anything.

I am not really on facebook, but I created an account which is basically just an empty shell as I needed a developer account for here to allow facebook logins and integration from the website/forum.

Downloading the data shows no contacts/friends, no posts/photos/videos etc as I would expect, although they do seem to have stored all my ip addresses and browsers/device types I have ever used.

However, when I logon I am given a large list of people who may know me and I may wish to add as friends. I suspect that they get this information as my email address will be in the contacts list for other people, but its a reasonably accurate list and what puzzles me is it includes quite a few people who I wouldn't actually expect to have that email address (they may have a different one such as my RTG address, but that isn't the one I used to create the account)

As long as my porn history isnt logged I'm fine with that!

Google will have that information, not facebook.
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