Dan Anderson aka DA NDOYT

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I still can’t get my head around it like.
Most people wouldn’t dream of running a marathon on roads, yet you are like “ I think I’ll run 2 marathons today. Off road. In the snow”

I'm crew for my boyfriend when he's doing a 45 miler in June, the thought of being in the car following for 12 hours tires me out so god knows what possesses them running it :lol::lol:
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My mate's got a bairn now and I do wonder if he'll be able to keep the training up. He did the Hardmoor 110 last year when the bairn was only a few months old, not sure what he's got planned this year.
He's a right stubborn get which I guess is the main quality you need. He only took up running after having a drunken argument in the pub claiming he could run the coast to coast in one go.:lol: Took him a few years to get fit enough but he did it.
Nothing but admiration for the lot of you who do those mental runs, I'm struggling to get myself fit enough for the Sunderland Half in May.

110 toughest thing i have ever done, genuinely nearly finished me off ha ha

I'm not studying or have nee kids. I have plenty time.

Kids don't stop you, just got to go mega nearly in the morning or mega late at night. Training never interfered for me, kids fast asleep at 5am ha ha
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I'm crew for my boyfriend when he's doing a 45 miler in June, the thought of being in the car following for 12 hours tires me out so god knows what possesses them running it :lol::lol:
I've watched the Lakeland 50 and went to different spots driving in the lakes, much prefer to run.
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