Why aren’t we eating beef as much?

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I, for one, welcome our cud chewing overlords.

You won’t when you can’t get your kids into the local school cos of all the new cows in town.

There will be so much demand that catchment zones will shrink. That’sfine for cows cos they’re f***ing cows so they’ll just live outside but in the zone

Would you be happy with that? Cows just outside everywhere? You’ll not be able to pull out your drive without the cow living on the grass verge slagging your driving off.

Not for me pal. No way.
I would have thought its because we have a greatly increased variety of foodstuffs in general nowadays than we did forty years ago.
Here's a suggestion. Maybe if supermarkets sold beef that is actually good beef, i.e. with an appropriate fat content, instead of the superlean crap that everyone thinks is the healthy option, people would enjoy eating it more and more would be sold!

The Aldi Xmas beef advert currently running tries to make a totally marbling-free joint look tasty. Fail!
A new report compiled by market research company ReportLinker found that household consumption of beef and veal in the United Kingdom have dropped by half—equalling nearly 4.7 ounces less per person per week—since 1975.

I thought we were eating more and more meat but apparently not.

Bad for you
Chicken is nicer
People are realising cows are vastly intelligent creatures and we shouldn’t be scranning them.
f***ing veggies and vegans man. They’re so short sighted they can’t see what they’re doing.

We’ll be f***ing overran with cows soon. And mark my words, I will never bow down to a cow. No matter how many of them try to pressure me into it.

Fuck you you f***ing bovine bastards
Yep and they are responsible for climate change. More cows equals more farts equals more methane in the atmosphere. More damage to the environment than a 3 litre Audi.
Most people want cheap and cheap beef is like chewing cardboard. A decent steak or rib of beef doesn't come cheap these days. Not to mention morons that overcook it. I mean a 'well done' steak! WTF is that all about!
Uurrgh, I was brought up on well done steak and I think that's the reason I hate beef unless minced. Had a rare steak in Buenos Aires, mind, and that was unbelievable, so perhaps there is hope for me yet.
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