How do I lose a stone in two weeks....

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Your common or garden speed would probably be even more effective with the added bonus of not wanting to hug everyone.

Yes you're quite right. I have only experiences weigh loss as an unwanted side effect though, so maybe I'm not the best to be giving advice.
Well????????? serious replies only please...

To take the question seriously, you're asking to lose 14 pounds in 2 weeks, or a pound a day. That's almost impossible. In order to do that, you need to create a calorie deficit of somewhere between 3,000 and 3,500 calories per day, depending on metabolism and other individual factors. You're therefore talking about either eating a fairly normal (2,000-2,500 calorie) diet and literally working out six to seven hours a day in fairly intense activities or eating basically nothing and cutting an hour or two off the exercise. It's not going to happen unless you do something terribly extreme like that or try to cheat 2 or 3 pounds off at the end with extreme measures like heavy diuretics and laxatives.

In summary, just man up and chainsaw off your arm. If it's your usual eating arm, that'll help you keep the weight off. Fatty.

I have no idea. I've never had cause to burn any fat.

Okay mate sorry mate, I was accusing you of taking it mate. I've seen in mentioned on the Diet and Exercise forum that's all bud.

Dinnit knack iz.
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