Worst accent in the UK?

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What's Received Pronunciation?
I think it's an accent that Jacob Rees Mogg has. It is a way of speaking and is more akin to your education and family. You can't tell where you come from by area. You could be from Liverpool, London or Lossiemouth but your accent wouldn't give that away.

From wikihow

Generally, there is no single "British accent" as there are a variety of accents in the entire United Kingdom, all of which may be referred to as British accents. The most popular, however, is the Received Pronunciation which is the accent of Standard English in England. Although there is nothing special about it, it is usually considered to be the accent of elite society. Which is a popular misconception. As RP is split between two different periods, one being of a historical difference where the upper class did have more pronounced speech than that of the lower classes due to their education system. Whilst today the RP accent has been adapted to fit more intricately to standard English as many students have obtained accents that do not connote a region that they are from, this can be asserted as RP.
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