Women Just Aren't As Funny As Lads

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I think most right minded people want a more egalitarian society as it makes the most sense apart from anything else. I think a lot of social-justice types forget that they don’t have the monopoly on ideas of fairness.

Where we tend to disagree is by what means we achieve the above. Attempts to make every industry (apart from the dangerous ones of course) 50:50 between men and women regardless of wether it’s proportionate or not to the amount of men and women interested in that field are pointless.
The flipside to this is that for decades the TV channels made some good stuff while only hiring people from certain demographic groups to the unfair exclusion of others. Why would it now suddenly mean no good shows can be made?
I think most right minded people want a more egalitarian society as it makes the most sense apart from anything else. I think a lot of social-justice types forget that they don’t have the monopoly on ideas of fairness.

Where we tend to disagree is by what means we achieve the above. Attempts to make every industry (apart from the dangerous ones of course) 50:50 between men and women regardless of wether it’s proportionate or not to the amount of men and women interested in that field are pointless.

Lets get more women doing night shift roadworks on the motorways. There's not enough.
I agree, but she makes a half decent point that female writers struggle against men who have more writing credits.

The whole thing, same as a black person being interviewed for a managers job just feels a bit wrong though. It’s a bit patronising to the one person.
All writers struggle against people who have more writing credits.

It's not the fact that they are female that makes the difference.

Don’t even get me onto women’s goalkeepers
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I know, f***ing equality. Insane.

Is that what its all about? Why is it only a problem now like? Its being shoved down our throats more and more, I mean so what if an awful lot of the comedy entertainment shows are made up of all male writers man?

Soon enough they'll be demanding all boys schools scrapped.
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It's not only a problem now.

Whether this is the solution is debatable, I don't think it is personally. Its far from stupid beyond belief or proof the world is bonkers though.

Your ganning on like a lass man woman man. :p

Well maybe it's not stupid beyond belief, but if the stink of equal pay, smaller goals etc hadn't been brought up, this wouldn't of with the whole itv banning all male writer teams.. Every fucker is jumping on the bandwagon.
The problem is that women aren't funny.

Name me a funny female comedian, not actress, comedian (and you can't have Sarah Millican, she's got one act and she's done it now)

Now name me funny male comedian, we'll be here a while.

So it stands to reason that comedy writers will be, in the main, male teams with the odd women.
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