Vinnie Jones PR catastrophe

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Posted a pic on his Twitter bragging about killing a hundred dead foxes that he had shot whilst out lamping.

Got the inevitable backlash.

Now claims he was hacked, despite posting previous similar things about killing rabbits and other animals and is a self confessed keen 'hunter'.

What a bellend.
Doubt that very much, even so its not illegal. One of his best mates has a pub near me and the food (meat) is f***ing amazing.
Our resident members (of the landed gentry) will be along shortly to inform us that all the wild mammals on this island are basically members of ISIS and Vinny is a hero because he shot 100 fox carcasses and enjoyed it.

Possibly not to the degree that Botham did.
"Come on then, I'm farking Wimbledon you fox cants."
So called celebrity tossers like him never really think things through when claiming "I was hacked" they are all basically thick twats.
Is and always has been a disgusting thug. With some of the vile shit he's pulled, It's bewildering how he hasn't been totally excommunicated by the celeb world.
I am. I would much prefer a kinder alternative to shooting. So far I haven't found one in a few cases. We make a lot of arrogant assumptions about our culling rights and their consequences.

I do, though get quiet enjoyment from the reality that the hunt in my French village are more likely to shoot each other than the prey.

Incompetent with a gun or they just do not like each other?
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