Vinnie Jones PR catastrophe

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I have no time for idiots like him. Nothing big or clever about shooting a defenceless animal.
Gave you a like because I agree.

Shooting for food, or removal of vermin can be sometimes justified though.
Never understood why if Foxes are classed as vermin why do they have a hunting season rather than year round eradication.
Not an important issue to me regardless.
If your shooting one fox thats been taking hens or lambs fair enough but 100 what a wanker (not sure if its faked tho)
He should contact the fox hunters. They claim they have the most efficient method of fox number control. It is evident from Vinnie's tweet that they are sadly mistaken.
That would be different. You are talking about managing the environment I suppose.
I am. I would much prefer a kinder alternative to shooting. So far I haven't found one in a few cases. We make a lot of arrogant assumptions about our culling rights and their consequences.

I do, though get quiet enjoyment from the reality that the hunt in my French village are more likely to shoot each other than the prey.
How's he find 100 foxes in one night, in one area. The fuckers are territorial. I smell a rat!
Shooting vermin in London isn't allowed and they have operation trident to stop it.

Fake news imo

Never understood why if Foxes are classed as vermin why do they have a hunting season rather than year round eradication.
Not an important issue to me regardless.
You can shoot foxes all year.
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