University Challenge 8.00

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Two annoying teams, the tit with the beard and the captain lass of the other team both grated more than the knowledgeable nasal New Yorker.

Two annoying teams, the tit with the beard and the captain lass of the other team both grated more than the knowledgeable nasal New Yorker.

The lass is one of those people who'll be on your pub quiz team and insist their answer is right, although you know they're wrong and you're right.

I don't mind beard bloke. They have a really good pairing for music there anyway, he knows classical, New Yorker knows rock/pop/blues etc. (just generally popular culture TBH). Actually, typing my way into liking the New Yorker, could probably have a pint or two and a chinwag with him, as long he didn't high five me at the start of each pint.
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