This time with Alan Partridge

Hit it’s stride now. It felt overly complex first episode, but it’s obviously a case of putting the pieces in play for the rest of the season. Feels like a cross-over between the media cynicism of The Day Today and the awful social awareness he shows in I’m Alan Partridge.

The sheer cravenness of episode 2 where he rehearses being spontaneous and pounces on the allegations solely to get one over the other presenter was up there with the best of his stuff. Enjoying the fact that they’re playing up his warfare obsession as well.

Getting better every week and I thought it started great. Brilliant tonight. I was crying at him doing cpr to Queen.

Apologies for the wind and racism there.
Little Miss Tomma has shown interest in AP for the first time with this series.
The bit with the wind reminded me of a key piece of Partridge that I felt I needed to show her.
She now very much appreciates the line 'I released an unexpected but potent gust'.
I'm a great Dad.
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The look on Simon's face as Irish Alan tries to get him to join in with the IRA rebel songs.
Just having IRA songs being sung with gusto on the BBC in prime time - jawdropping.
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