Things what people make look easy but are hard?

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Walking on ice or snow. I'm tottering along in my sturdy walking boots, almost falling over with every stride, and some young whippersnapper sprints past in a pair of old looking Converse.
Always admired my father in law who was an brick layer.

Watched him build a couple of walls and it looked effortless, especially snapping bricks in half with a trowel.

Amazing stuff and they were always perfect when he was done.
Snow is great to walk through.

Going down the banister on a skate board and then flipping the skate board.


Text cycling

I'm ok at kicking it, just not running with it. Just signed up for a charity game so god knows how that'll go!
That’s kind of my point. It’s entirely possible to play effectively and creatively without ever needing to dribble. Run onto balls and run to close people down, but pass it whenever you receive it. Or just stand in the centre circle and spray passes about like Jan Molby.
Just a bit like !
I think the word you’re looking for is conventional, not correct.
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That’s kind of my point. It’s entirely possible to play effectively and creatively without ever needing to dribble. Run onto balls and run to close people down, but pass it whenever you receive it. Or just stand in the centre circle and spray passes about like Jan Molby.
Ah, I get you. Liking the sound of the centre circle thing, might volunteer for that position!
Women driving while doing their hair and putting makeup on and texting while driving along the A1 most mornings they really can multitask
when a bloke with one arm managed it.
No offense to the bloke but I think he was a terrible drummer. Def Leopard are class I just don't like the sound of the drums and I think it spoils the overall sound of the band. I still listen to them regular but I try to block out the drums. I'm not dissing his talent just the sound he produced. The kick drum is the main problem, its too overpowering.
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