The TV news..............

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I'm getting absolutely fed up with every single article in the news bulletins being CV-19 related. Just a rolling stream of bad news and people being miserable. The main evening news on BBC the other night even gave over about 10 minutes to showing us Brits what CV-19 looks like in other countries, as if we're not pissed off enough with it in our country!! When the national news ends then Look North piles in with excatly the same shit but on a local level.

I grant that there's not much going on because of the virus but it strikes me as lazy journalism. CV-19 bad news is easy news to gather.

Don't see the point of TV news in the age of instant information.

Its only function is to filter out the bullshit, which I can do perfectly well by disregarding everything on Twitter that I disagree with.
7 year old girl got stabbed to death in a park near Bolton not two weeks ago. Even people from Manchester didn't even know when I mentioned it

That did make the news briefly. Aside from that and the Aussie cardinal, non-Covid19 celebrity deaths seem to be the only other things to cut through.
I've reverted to checking the news about once every 3 days now. Enough to be informed but not too much for it to overwhelm.

I watch the Govt Bulletin.

I try to avoid the bbc telling me what I’m about to hear then telling me afterward what I’ve just heard.

The biggest realisation for me, has been the utterly shit standard of British Journalism throughout.

One after another, journalists asking the same inane repetitive useless questions (so the scientists, medical people and ministers have to repeat and repeat and repeat the same answer)looking, even now, for the most headline grabbing pointless soundbite so they can somehow justify asking the utterly useless question in the first place.

A constant barrage of attempted traps that they justify by implying that ‘the public want to know’.

I have no respect for politicians avoiding answering a question but the journalistic sneakiness trying to find outrage to feed into the news is sickening. As if there isn’t enough to worry about.
I think it would make sense to lift the speed limit on motorways to 90mph and 50mph around town now that there's nobody about.

Yep. That’s the priority.
I watch the Govt Bulletin.

I try to avoid the bbc telling me what I’m about to hear then telling me afterward what I’ve just heard.

The biggest realisation for me, has been the utterly shit standard of British Journalism throughout.

One after another, journalists asking the same inane repetitive useless questions (so the scientists, medical people and ministers have to repeat and repeat and repeat the same answer)looking, even now, for the most headline grabbing pointless soundbite so they can somehow justify asking the utterly useless question in the first place.

A constant barrage of attempted traps that they justify by implying that ‘the public want to know’.

I have no respect for politicians avoiding answering a question but the journalistic sneakiness trying to find outrage to feed into the news is sickening. As if there isn’t enough to worry about.

Yep. That’s the priority.
Well said George.
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