Shit sleeping or insomniac

Awake again…. No matter what time I go to bed, whether I have a drink or not, whether I have a nap in chair or not , I still wake up really early. So annoying. Is that insomnia, or just a shit sleeping pattern, or do some people just need less sleep? Been like this as long as I can remember.
I tend to fall asleep between 8 and 9 then sleep til about 1 ish then it's a case of spinning aimlessly in the bed and catching does til about 4am

Awake again…. No matter what time I go to bed, whether I have a drink or not, whether I have a nap in chair or not , I still wake up really early. So annoying. Is that insomnia, or just a shit sleeping pattern, or do some people just need less sleep? Been like this as long as I can remember.

Do you keep getting up when you wake?
Been awake for ages, stress of my job is meaning i’m struggling to relax. Will 100% give me health problems if I keep operating at my current levels of stress.

What stresses you about the job?
Try not too.

They grown up now. But early morning crying babies was my duty. My x had it easy.

I find when I’m on day shift I’ll wake up early without the alarm, I think your body gets into a pattern.

You could possibly be in a continuous one, I don’t think actual sleep time is a problem as I could get away with far less than I thought when I used to work nights without any issues.

The problem was getting back into a pattern for the day shift after, that was an absolute ball ache.
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I’ve been a poor sleeper for a long long time, so if I manage four hours uninterrupted then I consider that a good night. My sleep is worse when I’m covering oncall for work.

One day this week, just got to sleep at about 11pm, called about something forty five minutes later, annoying thing was it wasn’t something I could have dealt with at nearly midnight! Managed to eventually get off again, and then 3am I get a delightful call to be told 75 metres of live power cable had been nicked, but because of damage 120 metres needs replacing…. As I get up at 5am anyway that’s my sleep done. Felt quite rough for the whole day.

mind you, the following night I literally fell into bed at 9:30pm and didnt wake up until 3pm…. Weirdly I felt more tired with six hours sleep!
Fuming, been in bed since 8pm as was tired and still a-bastard-wake 🤬 Can normally drift off no bother. Very frustrating watching the time get later and later.
