Red Dead Redemption

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I've just bought the GOTY edition of this as well, I'm only a couple of hours in and didn't know about dead eye ffs. Looks great so far.

Bought it off the back of this thread, got a good way into it then got out the habit of playing.

Shucks, this thread reappearing makes me want to pick it up again. :-D
Just got the GOTY edition recently having completed the main game before and selling it. Undead Nightmare is canny like, and I've got some War Horse, one of the 4 horses if the apocalypse and it's class :lol:
Just got the GOTY edition recently having completed the main game before and selling it. Undead Nightmare is canny like, and I've got some War Horse, one of the 4 horses if the apocalypse and it's class :lol:

Yeah, i remember seeing the DLC when it was first advertised and thought it looked really cheesey and it was going to be a complete waste of time. But I was wrong, once you get into it, its really good fun.

Nowhere near the main game like, still an amazing story.

And while im here, the online mulitiplayer is probably the only one I have played as I cant stand it normally.
Its an amazing game like. I had it when it first came out and I got as far as unlocking Mexico but I traded it in not long after that as I needed a bit of cash while the game was still worth something.

Recently bought it again, I havent got far on it but ive done the first few missions, patrolling the ranch and bringing in horses etc but I still find the best parts of the game is just riding about on your horse and as someone mentioned before, just standing on a cliff top watching the sun go down is incredibly atmospheric. The cliffside path you ride down to get to Armadillo from the ranch is class to stand and watch the sun set over Armadillo. The music is class anarl
Love this game but still bitter about it setting me up for the massive disappointment that was LA Noir.
Yeah the ending could have been a bit better but it was cinematic and I've seen worse endings in films, I'm hoping they release another one.
been inspired by this theard to play though it again. one of my strongest memories form the game is a Irish bloke grabbing a horses balls
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