Random food items that give you the shits

Raw or cooked? I couldn't think of nowt worse when I see people dipping stems of it in Houmous etc. Mind when it's cooked, it loses its smell of stale sweat in my opinion, and is canny added to Chilli's, stews, and even curry
Both! It doesn’t agree with me at all. Pains and explosions 😳
Grease?like chip pan fat and that Jeffers?
Nay lad like Acropolis type Greece. Olympics, gyros, souvlaki, that sort of kit.

it was Souvlaki that gave me the worst ever shits in the history of gastric upsets.

I was in a villa in Agios Nicolas in Crete. Of the bottomless lake myth. Had this souvo and then spent three days unable to leave the villa. Even a drink of water was straight through me. I only had one magazine to read on the bog. I could remember every single word! I could not face food - all I wanted to eat was a Supermousse but they did not sell them in Crete.

Whenever I smell oregano I think of that holiday.
Me mams sunday dinners.

When i uses to smoke id have a rolly and coffee on a morning, more often than not i couldnt finish the rolly due to a mad dash to the bogs.
