Nord stream

Pipelines rupturing is not uncommon:

(67ft rupture in pipeline 2022)

I’m guessing Biden didn’t do all of them too.
Two adjacent pipelines that are state of the art both blowing up 50km apart on the same day is fairly unprecedented.
My gas stats are bigger than your gas stats :lol:
:lol: :lol: We really do need Ronnie Pickering to sort this out mind
I like how there's always someone chucks conspiracy theory into the subject whenever they have a view on something and that view of course is correct.
How I miss those two forums. :lol:
It’s a well known fact on here that if there’s something you want proving right you just call the other person a tinfoil hatter and that’s the argument over.:lol::lol:
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Germany isn’t full

Europe is >80% but less than planned 85%.

Gan on Kev la….Haway @monkeytassle, post your report, you’re on the ropes here
We are fed information day after day that if you listen to it, creates hatred.
Bang on mate! Have you watched that video I posted? Please do, even if you’re not into that kind of thing he sums world issues brilliantly. Would love to know what people think of videos like that
