Morgan Freeman is Touchy Feely

3 paragraphs from the end, marra.
"A male staffer characterized Freeman as a “creepy uncle”, recalling an instance in which Freeman massaged an intern’s shoulder. “One time I witnessed Morgan walk up to an intern and start massaging her,” he said. “The intern got visibly red and wiggled out of his grasp, it was awkward.” According to five sources who spoke to CNN, there was no human resources department at Revelations. Additionally, the women whom Freeman allegedly harassed on film sets said they didn’t report his behavior at the time in fear of losing their jobs."

Is that the paragraph you're referring to? I think the most relevant line is "Additionally, the women whom Freeman allegedly harassed on film sets said they didn’t report his behavior at the time in fear of losing their jobs."

No names. No reports. That paragraph leads you to believe that it is a continuation of the testimony of the UN-NAMED staffer at the start of the paragraph. Its not.

This is a hatchet job. Nothing more, nothing less.

No, I'm saying that they can't do it with their subordinates at work or with people whose jobs might be at risk purely at their whim. Doesn't matter how famous or rich you are, flirting with your employees or workplace subordinates or anyone who you could have a hand in firing or creating a hostile work environment for is sexual harassment.
I have worked in many places where female members of staff have forged relationships with senior managers solely for the purpose of advancing their careers.

Its not sexual harassment its human nature. If we all didn't do it the human race would have died out millions of years ago.
All his voice overs and acting parts in upcoming theatre has to be overdubbed as he is clearly a wrongun. How old is he again? I like his voice.
So a female CNN reporter claims he looked her up and down then exclaimed ‘Boy I wish I was there.’
She was 6 months pregnant at the time, and it was caught on tape.

I’ve just seen the clip on GMB.

You can’t tell who he’s looking at as it’s a press conference.
What is obvious though is that he says what he did in response to Michael Caine who has just told a funny anecdote.

Faux outrage by a reporter wanting her 5 minutes of fame.
So a female CNN reporter claims he looked her up and down then exclaimed ‘Boy I wish I was there.’
She was 6 months pregnant at the time, and it was caught on tape.

I’ve just seen the clip on GMB.

You can’t tell who he’s looking at as it’s a press conference.
What is obvious though is that he says what he did in response to Michael Caine who has just told a funny anecdote.

Faux outrage by a reporter wanting her 5 minutes of fame.

I actually thought he was saying it sarcastically to take the piss out of a bit of a shit story Michael Caine told :lol:
