Long way up

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Same as the long way down and the long way round, except they’re doing it with electric vehicles. Up from the tip of South America, up to LA

halfway through the first one. Any watched it yet?

I’d give my left nut to do a motorbike tour like that.

Think I saw @Lambchops started it last night
Will definitely look. Has the Darien Gap got a road through yet?

Also, are the original series on Dailymotion or Youtube?

Anyone still watching this? It’s enjoyable tho not as good as the other two. The desperate attempts to introduce tension into it is a little irritating.
Anyone still watching this? It’s enjoyable tho not as good as the other two. The desperate attempts to introduce tension into it is a little irritating.
Some of the stuff on the first one was mental however staged it may have been
A had a R1150 gsa, they're a massive handful and sold it because of that and I rode enduros for years
Then part in the long way down where they went to where Star Wars was filmed and nobody recognised mcgregor was hilarious. He was genuinely gutted! 🤣
Cheat with the bus imo , took a few episodes to get started then they seemed to completely forget to mention the charging point pressure , cheated with a bus and ending felt very rushed

But saying all that I really enjoyed it
Cheat with the bus imo , took a few episodes to get started then they seemed to completely forget to mention the charging point pressure , cheated with a bus and ending felt very rushed

But saying all that I really enjoyed it
Aye. 'Range anxiety' was a real issue the first few episodes but then suddenly evaporated. They spent more screen time doing the bus up than actually travelling on it. I think on that last episode they went from the bottom of Mexico to LA in about 30 minutes. I suspect that was down to the lack of material as they couldn't be arsed with it anymore.
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