If there were nicknames here for towns and cities like they have in America

You might want to check out the latest centre for cities report. London has the worst air quality in the country. Sunderland & Newcastle have joint best in England.
So why the caz??
Auld Reekie is Edinburgh from when they used to chuck all their shite out the windows into the street
There was a loch where Waverley station is now that was stagnant due to the shite that was poured in
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So why the caz??

There was a loch where Waverley station is now that was stagnant due to the shite that was poured in

The CAZ is just central Newcastle, and the central motorway is horrendous at rush hour. These stats are done across the whole of the local authority area, so the outer more rural parts offset the more polluted bits.
Sunderland, either “ City By The Sea” or “City of the Twin Resorts “ ( yes , I’m a Northsider)

Newcastle, can think of plenty…. Virtually all derogatory
Teesside being universally known (well, around here) as Smogland seems to have been overlooked on this thread.
