Hylton Red House

Had great fun going from Red House, along Kidderminster Road and into the darkness that was TEF to see the girlfriend when I were a lad. Chased at least 3 times a week. Good job I was fit as fuck and hard as nails as well as mint looking.
Sounds like it, they even had the advantage of waiting on top for us, we had ran up the castle bank and then bunnyhill and still used to batter them. Needless to say no one from castletown ever went to Sandhurst!
Haha, fellow Castle Viewer right there HCAB ;)

They should identify the little bastards responsible, post their pics in the f***ing Echo

And HCAB beating RHAB? Never in a million Bunnyhill riots
Whatevs M!

Ni Pa? (Couple more letters)

Da Ho?
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Ere man the twoccers were that brazen they nicked me dad's car from outside me nana's in Cato street in the winter by simply pushing it away on the icy road :lol:
Lived in the two versions of cato street in my time, they tried to distance the new builds there were the owld council yard was by naming it greystone place haha, it was still Cato street in all but name.
