Hell on in Seaham...

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Apparently there’s about 50-60 youths fighting in Church st. Beating the snot out of eachother.
One lad managed to escape the fight and was rescued by shop staff.

A lad and lass tried to intervene to protect a lad getting the shit kicked out of him and ended up being attacked, bottles thrown, lass’s car damaged.

I don’t know this first hand, don’t shoot the messenger, and piss off with yer SEB shit.

Sounds like a canny night out that in church street, been there got the t shift, sadly I was from the top end so wasn’t too keen on supping down the harbour without weapons ;)
Blandford Street where the pub was on the bridge, Railway Street. I think had bus stops or something like it. late 60's when that went up it was like the wild west.
You mean the carlton, formerly the Castlereagh. There was the Blandford opposite corner other side of the bridge, but never any bother in there.
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