Happy Rabbie Burns Day

That is very true, God my week. Thought it was Thursday today., seriously. I am having the worst week.

Anyone having them tomorrow?
Yes will be having a macsween veggie haggis. I’ve never tried haggis with actual offal in before. Nicest veggie haggis I had was with a Jack Daniel’s sauce in a place called Killin.
I knew the Scotch liked to stretch out New Year celebrations but didn't realise they had a two day bash for Burnsey. Those lads n lasses know how to party :cool:
Listen I was at my first one last Tuesday and we played Scottish songs on the Ukelele's and I laughed cos even tho I have lived in Glasgow I still can't sing them in a Scottish accent. Pure east Durham. Will be having ours tomorrow (not tonight 😉) and going to another one on Saturday.
It's tomorrow you absolute arse clart
Haud yer weesht yer gowk
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