Does this country need a government?

This generation is learning first hand that there is a cost to democracy. Honestly, I only every thought of it as a completely positive thing, but it really isn’t. Think about it for Christ sake, almost half of our people are below average intelligence. And people who are of average intelligence are pretty thick. Democracy is dangerous!

doctors aren't business analysts though. they should all be intertwined. health expert says we need this, financial forecaster says we can afford this. both of them decide where the cash goes.

An NHS Economist and a Doctor who or whatever who has been on the NHS front line then. That might sort it
What we also need is ministers who are in charge of departments actually having some kind of background expertise or experience in their field.
I'm sure Canada has that kind of system. Their Minister for Health (or whatever title) is a Doctor etc

Argued this a million times over. Sick of silver spooned brats getting hoisted onto the gravy train.

Real people for real changes.
Lie in court you will be sent to prison. Lie in parliment, you get 70k a year, plus extravagant expences.

This generation is learning first hand that there is a cost to democracy. Honestly, I only every thought of it as a completely positive thing, but it really isn’t. Think about it for Christ sake, almost half of our people are below average intelligence. And people who are of average intelligence are pretty thick. Democracy is dangerous!
You will catch a few with this one chubbs.
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An NHS Economist and a Doctor who or whatever who has been on the NHS front line then. That might sort it
How many people do you know of that studied medicine at uni, qualified as a doctor and then went and became economists? Be ideal though. I suppose there are healthcare economists out there, so it could be done like.
