Doctors on £100,000 salaries to strike demanding 35pc pay rise

Pay is proportional and it's all about the info contained within the head. Training is essential and constant updating of numerous data makes it worth the pay.
Consultants are talented people. They have to be to get on a medicine course. They then have to persevere through medical training, an incredibly challenging course. They then have to do the hard yards for a number of years. They then often have to make life or death decisions, decide on people keeping or losing limbs to preserve life and life quality, they have to deal with the emotional baggage that comes with that.

If they aren’t worth top dollar, and we aren’t willing to support them in that endeavour, then absolutely no one is. It never ceases to amaze me that people will pounce on these professions but will never, ever discuss, for example, house sale site managers who earn enormous sums in an entirely selfish (in the truest meaning) profession. Let alone the really, really wealthy bullshit merchants who earn millions in the city or in advertising.
Its the consultants that save your life.
Irrelevant of that, people deserve fair pay rises.

I’ve beat this drum before, and I’ll beat it again. The public sector should receive pay rises in line with whatever is higher out of inflation/cost of living.

If that’s 0% then so be it. If it’s 7% then it should be that.

The issue now is that pay has fell so far behind where it should be that demands seem ridiculous to some people. But the demands are still only to take pay up to where they should be.

I’ve posted before on here about firefighters as an example. If Firefighters continue on the same pay increases for the next 30 years, then someone who started in 2013 will be on the equivalent of £18,000 in 2053.

I’ll stick the full post as spoiler instead of boring everyone.

In 2013 a competent firefighter earned £28776. In 2023 they are on £32244. If pay had matched inflation then the current pay should be £36932.

Over the past 10 years their pay has gone up 12% whereas inflation has been 28% (using CPI data from BoE).

If this firefighter joined at 18 in 2011, becoming competent in 2013 and planned on doing 42 years (good luck) then on current trend their salary would be £45300 when they retire in 2053. If their pay kept up with inflation then it would be £77452. So over the span of their career, their final salary will be about 42% less than what it would be if it had matched inflation.

That generous pension scheme you mentioned will see that firefighter retiring on a pension of £25110 (ironically, that pension will be inflation linked). Whereas if the salary kept up with inflation, then their pension would be £37082. So their pension is roughly 32% less than what it should be.

To compare the 2053 salary to today, it would be like paying a competent firefighter £18000.
Consultants are talented people. They have to be to get on a medicine course. They then have to persevere through medical training, an incredibly challenging course. They then have to do the hard yards for a number of years. They then often have to make life or death decisions, decide on people keeping or losing limbs to preserve life and life quality, they have to deal with the emotional baggage that comes with that.

If they aren’t worth top dollar, and we aren’t willing to support them in that endeavour, then absolutely no one is. It never ceases to amaze me that people will pounce on these professions but will never, ever discuss, for example, house sale site managers who earn enormous sums in an entirely selfish (in the truest meaning) profession. Let alone the really, really wealthy bullshit merchants who earn millions in the city or in advertising.
And we will happily endorse someone getting that sum every week playing football.
The world is all to cock
Consultants are talented people. They have to be to get on a medicine course. They then have to persevere through medical training, an incredibly challenging course. They then have to do the hard yards for a number of years. They then often have to make life or death decisions, decide on people keeping or losing limbs to preserve life and life quality, they have to deal with the emotional baggage that comes with that.

If they aren’t worth top dollar, and we aren’t willing to support them in that endeavour, then absolutely no one is. It never ceases to amaze me that people will pounce on these professions but will never, ever discuss, for example, house sale site managers who earn enormous sums in an entirely selfish (in the truest meaning) profession. Let alone the really, really wealthy bullshit merchants who earn millions in the city or in advertising.
Nor the bootnecks on the front line 🤔 it's all the wrong way around in reality.
Brain surgeon salary is listed here, scary low imo.

How much can I earn?​

You’ll first earn a salary when you start your foundation training after medical school. The basic salary ranges from £29,384 to £34,012. Once you start your specialty training as a neurosurgeon employed by the NHS, you can expect to earn a salary of at least £40,257, which can increase to between £84,559 and £114,003 as a consultant.
Brain surgeon salary is listed here, scary low imo.

If you want your speciality to be maxillofacial, then it’ll take 11 years after your medical degree to become a consultant.

Relatively low salaries (for a post grad with that length of study) and not great work conditions have always been a given. But now the opening salaries for junior doctors aren’t great and the earning potential (plus pension) is just so much lower than it should be.

We’d all like to think that doctors do it for altruistic reasons, but let’s be real, they’re very clever people who generally do it for the money. We’ll now see our cleverest kids choosing other degrees than medicine where they’ll earn more. This will, imo, lead to grades being lowered to get into medicine.
Doctor are the grade A students all the way through their education and could excel at many other professions but choose to do medicine.
Why shouldn’t they get paid on par with others at the absolute top of their game when they achieve that when they are consultants?
I’m not for one minute suggesting a blank cheque but I know a scaffolder earring 100k in London and the only part of the top of his game he reaches is when he’s up a height.
