
Think I have seven or so platinum out of 30 games on the PlayStation.

I normally enjoy them but get addicted to the ubisoft which although easy to achieve are tedious as fuck :lol: sad as out really. Most recently done Far Cry Primal

I had an Xbox when I was younger and was the same on that.
I despise the trophies Resident Evil keep having where you need to do a run using only a knife etc. Don’t find those fun at all.

Same with any for New Game Plus. No chance I was running through Spider-Man straight after finishing it.

Same. New Game Plus for me is of absolutely no interest. I can put hundreds of hours into a game playing side quests, but making me play it all over again? Na.
Depends really. I got the platinum on a couple of things like Diablo 3 for practice. Last time I looked on Elden Ring about 10% of players had the platinum which amazed me because sod trying for that.
