Bulking 2019

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Going to read this locked thread on bulking later, but a quick question first.

Bulking - Where to start.

I'm just starting a 8 week bulk and then cut in time for the start of May. On training days I'm upping my calorie intake, carbs and protein, but just wanted to know about food intake on non-training days. Should I still be increasing calories or just keep it balanced, with maybe an extra snack and protein shake?

Going to be switching between full body workouts and isolation stuff depending on which days I'll be training. If I can have a day rest in between I'll go full body as need that recover day, if I'm training on back to back days normally do different body parts.

Also, if I fancy a run or swim on non training days, or just for fun, is that going to be counter productive?

Looking forward to following this thread as I don't think this subject has been covered recently.
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Absolute best advice I can give based on what I think your exp is

Dirty Bulk. absolutely smash the calories and train insane. Sound like you're just starting out so you're gonna grow a lot, you want to guarentee you're getting enough calories down you.

I've 19/21 year old lads on 4500 calories not spilling over as they grow that much with beginners gains. Keep an eye on your weight make sure its going up all the time, and also keep an eye on body fat in the mirror.

Would love to go deep and mention calories, macros, slight increments here and there but it's way OTT for where you're at right now.

To get across the point of food, every young client I've had has encountered problems consuming the required calories , and we've had to increase fat macros and high cals shakes etc. So go your ends.

Anyone else reading this... ignore completely, this only works when low end muscle mass doing a first time bulk.
Too short of a time to bulk imo. I'd say bulk slow for a while. You'll end up looking better over a 6 month period than short bulk and cut cycles, imo.

But as said above, definitely make sure you're eating enough because you'll gain more at your experience and likely recomp too. Just be mindful not to go overboard.
I've trained for years, not sure why you think I'm just starting out. Very muscular and athletic build atm, just trying something different.
I've trained for years, not sure why you think I'm just starting out. Very muscular and athletic build atm, just trying something different.

I hope I didn't cause any offence their pal, very hard to judge on a few paragraphs over the net, so i apoligise if it came across like that.
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