Bradley Latest

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Been sitting on this latest news for a couple of days. Heartbreaking.

"Wow where do I start??? This week has been crazy busy and extremely emotional. As you aware Bradley has been in hospital and in excruciating pain, we have found it so difficult to see our baby like this. Bradley spent his birthday in hospital and asleep most of the day as he is really not well. Myself and his daddy have spent our time rubbing his legs and comforting him the best we can.

On Thursday we were aloud to take Bradley home but unfortunately we have found another lump on his neck that is getting bigger very quickly and Bradley's consultant believes it is yet another tumour

Thursday night we went along to pride of north east where Bradley accepted the child of courage award on behalf of all the courageous children fighting a daily battle.

Yesterday was Bradley's big birthday party and what an amazing party it was. Thank you everybody who was involved to make it so special, the fireworks at the end were out of this world Iv never seen a better display.

So has you can see we have had a pretty hectic emotional heart breaking week. This leads me nicely into what I would like to say next. I appreciate everyone who dose any fundraising no matter how little or big, no mater how much is raised for Bradley which will now go into his foundation to support other families due to the fact there is no treatment options available for Bradley now. I would love to be able to thank you all individually but Iv not got enough hours in the day, especially this week and Bradley can't do personal thank you's at the moment as he a very poorly little boy.

Thank you to everyone for all your kind messages of support and wishing my superstar a happy birthday. Thank you to my team I have helping me out going to events on behalf of Bradley and answering messages. "
Heartbreaking x
Not fair and never will be. That lad deserves a long long life - and they say there's a god?
I haven't got the words to adequately describe how this news makes me feel.

I want so much for Bradley to keep fighting the bastard squatter in his little body, a fight he has shown more courage than I think I would, I would have probably just lied down and wept.

Haway Bradley son, you have my unending respect.
What Bradley and his family have done to get exposure out there for what the small things in life can mean is out of this world, to see a friendship grow between Defoe and Bradley, to see what messages from places like Ireland, Australia or Brazil etc can do to raise spirits, to see a little boy have so much love for his team (no matter how bad we have been) etc i'm actually unable to find words to truly sum up what a warrior he is.
It's heartbreaking. God knows what it's like for his family seeing little Bradley suffering. It's so upsetting. We all love you little fella.
Heart wrenching this. Poor lad hasn't looked well last couple pictures I've seen and my heart goes out to him and him and his family. All the best Bradley kidda, a true inspiration xx
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