Bodies (Netflix)

Binned it after 3 episodes. Wanted it to be good so persevered after hating the 1st two but nah.

Currently watching The things we can't see on Netflix and loving that. Superb.
Thought Bodies was pretty good, Dark-lite if you will. Some holes here and there and the acting wasn't always the best but the time loop/travel story was decent and I thought, other than that last scene, it was all fairly clear.
Me too, few plot holes but difficult to make something a bit different like that without having them.

Bit of a headwreck at times but made me think about things which is better than most programmes these days. It's certainly not for the hard of thinking 😁

Last scene was only put in to facilitate a possible sequel.

Back to catch up on Gen V now for some light relief. 😁
Just finished it and really enjoyed it. A few head scratching moments but you can't do anything with time travel without some timey-wimey contradictions and things which make no sense.

Probably doesn't need a sequel though even though they left it open for one.
