Blyth Gigaplant

Is that the one behind cobalt

Stellium Campus so yeah, top of Silverlink. There's a quite a view DC's around cobalt inc virgin/vodafone pops/dc's, 2 local providers, and some significant comms rooms etc.

True to say the DC side is changing, AI requires stupidly high power/cooling which many traditional DC's aren't set up for. It's going to be really interesting watching how everything plays out - given a) there is a gentle movement back to DC's/colo away from public cloud, b) AI power requirements.

Forgive my stupidity but what exactly is a data centre?

Place to house lots of servers, and network providing compute/storage in clouds.
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Feel sorry for people who left good jobs to go to this place hopefully they have found new employment, Also a few young ones went on apprenticeships hoping they would have a good future there here's hoping they have found new roles elsewhere
Stellium Campus so yeah, top of Silverlink. There's a quite a view DC's around cobalt inc virgin/vodafone pops/dc's, 2 local providers, and some significant comms rooms etc.

True to say the DC side is changing, AI requires stupidly high power/cooling which many traditional DC's aren't set up for. It's going to be really interesting watching how everything plays out - given a) there is a gentle movement back to DC's/colo away from public cloud, b) AI power requirements.

Place to house lots of servers, and network providing compute/storage in clouds.
I'm seeing the opposite of that.
