What have you achieved in your life?

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I remember 2 yr ago at 31 yr old thinking fuck me what have i done? All my mates growing up already have a wife and kids and mortgage and ive still done fuck all, bothered me from time to time, but i was happy. Now 2 yr later ive got a lass 5 month pregnant and i need a house and a job, should have got the job and house sorted first i reckon, careful what you wish for and be happy with what you got lads and lasses, life has a tendancy to kick you in the bollocks/flaps, plan for the worst and hope for the best
  • I have a 100% success rate bowling in cricket
  • I have a 100% success rate with drop kicks in competitive rugby
  • I won a North East of England schools quiz competition when I was 14
  • I've assisted in 3 surgical procedures
So you were only 14 when you joined this place, f***ing hell!! :eek: I bet this made you grow up fast! :lol:
I wondered where you would have got this information, then found out that apparently my account page tells you I signed up on Sep 7, 2006. Never knew that. :lol: That means I will have just turned 15. It was all downhill from there!!

How old are you, and how old were you when you signed up to the SMB?
Like the vast majority, fuck all. And like the vast majority will soon be dead and within a couple of generations forgotten, and might as well have never lived.
Me too and I'm fine with that, being an unbeliever, but that's a bit bleak coming from you. I thought you were a God botherer? Perhaps I have you mixed up with somebody else but if you believe in an afterlife you surely would see things differently to that?
For me; I’ve ticked off a few of my bucket list items such as watch TT, drive a steam train, become a magistrate, sub 2h GNR and get a dog. Still plenty to go.

For others: I’d hope people would agree I am making a decent job of raising two boys. In some small way I hope I’ve encouraged primary school (Science Club) and secondary school (GCSE revision classes) with their work. Perhaps even inspired one or two to pursue an education or career in Science. Certainly to think rationally.

I’ve taught beekeeping to several beginners and allowed them to gain confidence. I’ve raised around £60k for local charities and children’s groups by running the local beer festival. I’m chair of the local kids’ football club and chair of the PTA fund-raising wing of the village school. I was a school governor at the SEMH school also in the village.

I give a lot of my time for others. Why? It keeps me sane.... I’ve struggled a bit with all that is shit in the world: Piglet Flu, Brexit, Trump, Tories, speeding cars outside of my house, crime in general, shit TV, X-Factor politics. When I am busy doing stuff I don’t get time to think about how shit it all is.
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